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Christian Joerg Photography

Fujifilm Fuji X-A1 vs. Sony a6000

As you can clearly see by the number of essays posted on this page, I really do not tend to "blog" my so very important life to the world. Maybe the reason is that I think in times of global warming and global terror, streams of refugees all over europe and soforth there are by far major problems to think about than my last holiday to France (which by the way was great). But after all, photography still is important to me and today a camera arrived that drew my attention: the Sony a 6000. Of course by the time of early 2016 this is not the hottest and latest release of camera gear, but it took some time to feel the need of upgrading from the really loved X-A1. You all might know the relevant competitors in this segment, so I can leave that out. I wanted to give the a 6000 a chance because it is said to have all the things that miss in the X-A1. Very fast AF, eye AF, reliable tracking when recording video. Today it arrived from amazon for around 550 € with the kit lens 16-50 anything...

The excitement was enourmous when the postman brought it. Just similar to the day I got the X-A1 I again was in charge of the kids, but it was already evening. So we prepared dinner and the girls wanted to have some of the potatoe soup. Again I didn't have time to read the manual and to be honest, I didn't want to read it. So battery in, SD card and pressed the shutter, played a little around and now it's a few hours later. Conclusion? I stay with the Fuji.

Everything they say about the Sony a 6000 seems to be true. Nice face tracking in video, very accurate AF for video, very smooth working AF for video and so on. Also it feels quite snappy when focusing low contrast very bright or very dark scenes. Everything is true. And I so dearly wish, that Fuji will be able to do that soon.

But, there is a thing that they don't tell you and that is for me quite a point: the final (still) image quality is comparatively poor. This for me is the main aspect of a stills camera so it is a substantial argument. And, if Sony's battery draining "pre-AF" (the camera pre-focusses all the time an thus keeping the probable focus target in focus all the time) is turned of, it isn't that much of a difference between the X-A1 (known for the "poor" focusing) against the "world's fastest AF on the Sony.

But back to final image quality. What do you get on the jpeg? (I hope we all agree that spending hours in lightroom is an overcome approach to photography.) From the Sony nothing special. From the Fuji all that we love: beautiful colours and an over all pleasing image.

Really, the situation was not of interest, neither the pictures from a photographic point of view. But have a look and think, and look and rethink and stay with Fuji. Old love.

See the beautiful colours? Skin tone, tonal reception of the whites, differences in the whites from the bowl and the shirt? Great!

Oh, the soup made someone greenish sick. The soup wasn't that bad...

Unfortunately I have to stick with Fuji. Maybe an upgrade to a faster focusing body would do, or just wait for a X-T2 with build in GPS and "lightning AF" plus superb colours?

See more in fujifilm X-A1